Planetary Camera

Astronomy camera on laptop
Red looks sharp on the desk, but it’s not particularly showy at night.

New semester, new classes, same old, same old around the shop. It’s not that we don’t notice the passage of time, just more that we’ve always got stuff to do. Things to sort out. Odd gizmos to tinker with.

Such as this wee little astronomy camera. (Much bigger than the camera portion of your phone, of course.) It’s a planetary camera, meaning it’s capable of a high framerate, even in low-light conditions. Unlike stars, which are effectively point sources, planets have visual size and even detail given reasonable magnification. Cool, right?

Of course, there’s this pesky but essential-for-life atmosphere in the way, and the visual wobbliness it produces – known as seeing – can make some photographs of Jupiter look like you’re peering at it from the bottom of a turbulent lake. Nicht so gut.

The simplest solution is to take a lot of pictures, sometimes compiled as a video, and select the very best ones, those moments in time when the seeing was perfect.

Of course, these cameras also work for other purposes, such as all-sky cameras to check for cloud cover at a remote location, or for meteor activity when you’d rather get some shuteye. Or, for kicks, to see one’s office through a fisheye lens.

Black and white image of a messy office.
Not debayered.
A messy office in color.
Looks even messier in color.

Ranger 4

NASA press release details on the Ranger 4 launch
The rest were on white paper. Why yellow for Ranger 4?

We have several boxes of NASA press releases from the height of the space age, for the simple reason that it’s easier to pack things away than to sort and dispose of junk. None of them are worth much, really, but they can be entertaining. Take this, for example, a summary of the Ranger 4 launch. Not mentioned here, but interesting: Ranger 4 was the first US spacecraft to reach another solar system body.

By crashing into the Moon, as intended. You can read more in a brief summary by Leonard David, or by skimming Wikipedia.

Entertaining bits gleaned from the Space Activities Summary:

  • Major Objectives Impact Moon”
  • Major Results Impacted Moon”
  • Velocity is listed as “At lunar impact, 5,963 mph,” but can safely be assumed to be zero very shortly thereafter.
  • The “rough-land survivable seismometer” likely didn’t, although the fact that it crashed on the far side means we’ll never know.
  • There may have been “[n]o scientific data obtained,” but they did slam a space probe into the Moon, and before anyone else.

Big Dipper

Pushpins in a Big Dipper shape
The backside of the bear.

A surprise discovery on a hallway bulletin board at the Observatory: a push pin Big Dipper!

It’s good and charming and subtle, and we can forgive that this version has eight stars instead of the night sky’s seven. (Not counting the visual double of Mizar and Alcor where the handle kinks.) Someone did this on a whim, and now it’s hard to resist the idea of putting up others all over campus to see who notices.

Have a great semester break!

Reticle Wire

Packets of fine reticle wire
Old boxes carry neat stuff.

Making an ‘X’ across your telescope’s eyepiece is a handy thing, letting you mark the center instead of eyeballing it. There are all sorts of reasons you might appreciate that little bit of assistance, provided it doesn’t actively interfere with seeing things. So you use as fine a wire as you can. Which is going to break, of course, so keep some spares in the desk drawer.

How thin? This is AWG 53, all of 0.0007 inches thick (0.0178 mm). Enough to make even the finest human hair seem chunky in comparison.

Doppler Ball

Orange foam ball on cable
The noise is more obnoxious than the color.

An electronic buzzer buried inside a foam ball, on a long cable with a switch and handle at the end. Flick the switch, and a piercing 2,500 Hz signal begins. Whirled in a big circle around your own head, the tone persists. For everyone else in the room, it creates a cyclic Doppler shift, a repeating weeee-oooo, weeee-oooo that sticks in the brain even after it’s done, like when you see phosphene images behind your eyelids after catching a glimpse of something way too bright.

We can’t overstate the wonderful modifications to the original object, back in 2010, which added the cable and switch. Your bog-standard Doppler ball – available from several scientific apparatus purveyors – requires one to open up the ball, turn on the buzzer, then close it back up. Tossing it back and forth between students illustrates the concept.

Then, when you’ve had quite enough and just want it to stop, you have to pry it open and shut the whole thing off. (This vintage version, pre-mod, required full-on battery removal.) The Doppler ball: it teaches us all kinds of new lessons!

Lunar Globe

Lunar globe on stand
The pink string has a purpose, honest.

From the days before planetarium software was readily available, we have an intense glut of celestial globes, which show the positions of the stars and constellations on the night sky. Also the day sky, of course, but unless you’re watching a total solar eclipse they get lost in the bright blue light scattered by our atmosphere. They get little use except as office decorations.

We have two Earth globes – one is a giant, inflatable beach ball – which still get regular use in Astronomy classes. Unsurprisingly, visualizing the movement of an Earthbound observer on a tilted, rotating, orbiting planet around the sun isn’t always intuitive. Having a mini-Earth to look at helps immensely.

We also have a very nice lunar globe, which really should see more use. It’s highly detailed, including on the side of the moon that only a handful of humans have ever seen. (More craters, fewer mare.) If you dig maps, it’s a very cool map.

Lunar globe base label
Scale 1 : 8,533,150.

And when did this charming item come into being? 1969, of course.


One-bar metallophone
You can’t tell from the photo, but the tone is lovely.

Both Physics and Astronomy courses do a lot of work with waves, and while light is one of the most important types for study, sound is exceptionally handy for demonstrations. There’s an immediacy, a feel, that can make sonic demos feel more intuitive.

We have a few of these about, metal bars with supports at the nodes of a standing wave, seated over a wooden box. The string goes where the bar doesn’t vibrate, and hence doesn’t dampen the sound, while the box helps it resonate louder. Ka-bong! They’re quite fun.

Apparatus label plate

And, yes, Carl J. Ulrich of Minneapolis, Minnesota did some fine work here.

Astronomy Club Minutes

Meeting minutes
Dot matrix!

In the early ’90s, we had an Astronomy Club. Reading through old club meeting minutes sometimes turns up little gems, like these:

“Sorry for the late minutes. The secretary had a lot of tests at the end of last week.”

Completely understand. Full respect for those priorities.

“Because of clear skies, the meeting did not last long.”

We’re here for the telescopes, not chit-chat! Again: completely understand!

Mathematics & Astronomy

Who needs a zip code?

Once upon a time – for a good long while, in fact – mathematics and astronomy overlapped. Now, of course, astronomy is considered more appropriately physics-adjacent, and mathematics would like to make it clear that while they share a department with statistics, the two really are their own, distinct fields.

Then there’s the fuzzy boundary zone between biophysics and applied mathematics and mechanical engineering…

Welcome to the new semester!