
Variac autotransformer

When a faculty member retires, they tend to leave a variety of things behind in their labs. With the busiest days of physics research behind them, and only so much spare garage and attic space, old pieces of scientific apparatus don’t make the cut. That doesn’t mean they’re not useful to someone else. Sometimes old equipment, built for a long service lifetime, still works pretty well. Those few things built without integrated circuit boards and lacking in bells and whistles? They’re tanks. We collect those, make sure they’re in good working order, and keep them handy for the next person who needs them.

Take, for example, the good, old-fashioned variable autotransformer, often called a Variac in the same way you might refer to any office copier as a Xerox machine. There are easily half a dozen floating around here. Probably more if you take time to look in the dusty corners. The short version is this: you send in ordinary AC line voltage, turn the big, chunky dial, and it sends out a lower AC voltage based on that setting. It has two moving parts: a sliding brush that moves along the wiring coils, and a switch.

Always love a reliable mechanical switch. Click!

An autotransformer has only one winding inside it, and outputs one or more voltages different from its input depending on where they tap into the coils. (A standard transformer has two windings. There are pros and cons to each.) A variable autotransformer has a sliding/rotating connection on the secondary side, enabling smooth voltage change from more or less zero to full. The number of coils the current passes through on its way to the brush’s connection determines the output voltage.

It takes advantage of the constantly-changing nature of alternating current. The flow of current creates a magnetic field; a changing current creates a changing magnetic field. A changing magnetic field creates a current in a circuit. Plugging a variac into the wall receptacle works. Connecting up a DC battery won’t.

They’re handy for testing electrical equipment, including motors whose speed is voltage-dependent. We use them in undergraduate labs in connection with incandescent lamps to study blackbody radiation; they’re a big dimmer switch that’s easy to control and understand. The core of a Mel-Temp apparatus, that workhorse staple of a chemistry lab setup, is just a Variac connected to a big resistor. The varying voltage adjusts the current, which controls the amount of heat it gives off to melt your sample.

Some of the old styles are Art Deco-ish beauties, too, with amazing names. Adjust-A-Volt! Powerstat! Every space-age laboratory deserves a few of these.

Micro Bits

Acrylic with very tiny holes
Very tiny holes

In the Physics & Astronomy shop, we make, modify, and repair things. When the thing you need just isn’t available off the shelf, it’s our job to make it happen. If at all possible.

(It’s not always possible, but we give it our best. Sometimes we surprise ourselves.)

The end result is a lot of unique, one-off objects built to do very, very specific things. They may be lab or research equipment to our colleagues, but they’re learning experiences for us. You never really know what sort of experience and expertise is going to come in handy down the road. And, yes, we make mistakes along the way.

Our desktop CNC mill makes this process just a little bit easier. We get the sort of repeatability and precision alignment in a fraction of the time it takes on a manual machine, and it can turn out tiny work that our eyes struggle to see without magnification. Recent software updates have given it proper drilling capabilities, letting us use an assortment of very small drill bits to expand the sorts of work we can accomplish. Does a project call for precisely-drilled holes on a very small scale? We can do that.

See above for 0.5mm drilling. Now an option!

Until the bit snaps. Occupational hazard.

Cast Acrylic

Milled acrylic
Odd shapes

We work with a wide variety of materials in the shop, each of which has its strengths and limitations. One frequent visitor to the milling machine is cast acrylic, a clear, lightweight, machinable thermoplastic. It’s known under a variety of trade names, such as Plexiglas and Lucite, as well as polymethyl methacrylate (or PMMA).

Acrylic is often used as a replacement for glass, for its high light transmission (~92%), lower density, and higher impact strength. It is still brittle, and nowhere near as strong as polycarbonate, but won’t suffer from UV degradation and can be used outdoors. Acrylic mostly machines well, although requires extra care with thin sheets and work near edges, where even a small excess of force can cause fractures. We have been using it to replace fragile glass sheets throughout the department’s labs.

Careful sanding and polishing can produce optically clear pieces, so that researchers can observe the inner workings of an experimental setup. Acrylic is also available in a selection of fluorescent colors – red! blue! green! amber! – though, oddly enough, we have yet to receive a request for a fluorescent green vacuum chamber.

One of these days, someone will roll into the shop with a project that demands Bucknell-themed fluorescent blue-and-orange (amber), and we will be ready.

One last fun note: most materials have a distinctive smell when cut on power tools. When cutting or milling acrylic – especially on the bandsaw – the aroma is vaguely fruity, like a distant cousin of whatever chemicals make Froot Loops cereal taste like “froot.” When coming across an unmarked sample of clear plastic, sometimes its distinctive smell is enough to help identify.

Hot Glue

Hot glue gun
The hot glue gun

Our inaugural object is a well-loved, frequently-used tool here in the shop: the hot glue gun. Sometimes the most useful tools are ordinary and un-fancy. See also: screwdrivers, needle-nose pliers, masking tape.

Hot-melt glue is amazing stuff. Its ability to melt and ooze into the surface texture of a wide variety of materials means it can effectively bond adhesive-resistant stuff, such as polyethylene. Plastics, metals, wood, paper: no problem. You do need to be aware of how quickly it cools down; aluminum’s thermal conductivity can re-solidify the glue faster than you can squeeze your pieces together if you aren’t quick.

It’s also free of solvents, requires no mixing or curing or complicated steps, and is as easy to use as you remember from junior high. What more could you ask for?

The P&A Shop

A typically messy electronics bench
The electronics bench

Welcome to Olin Science 181, the Physics & Astronomy department’s machine shop. As the department’s support team, we regularly discover, design, and build all sorts of curiosities. This blog is just a small sample of the fascinating things we come across every day.

They’re interesting. Sometimes strange. Sometimes oddly charming.

Always worth sharing.